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June Release:


Newark Preservation and Landmarks Committee mourns the loss of Newark son Philip Roth...

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February Release: WINTER NEWSLETTER 2017-18

Historic Plaque Dedication and Tour of The Dietze Building, will be held Friday, February 16th at 2pm


The Kirchhof Patent Co, founded about 1865 and was first on Stirling Street, then they moved to the Dietze Building at 60-64 Union Street. The company has been in the Kirchhof/Reinhardt/Dietze family from 1865 until Carl H. Dietze Jr. sold it to the Green Duck Company out of Chicago, IL in 1965. Read more> CLICK HERE

ADDITIONAL HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDED: 2017 Annual Members Meeting and Awards Ceremony,  Cummings Awardee: Linda B. Forgosh, for her efforts to research, showcase and preserve Newark’s history. Author of Louis Bamberger – Department Store Innovator and Philanthropist, and Dust Awardee:
First Peddie Baptist Memorial Church Organized in 1801.

NPLC, in cooperation with the Forest Hill Community Assoc., will be unveiling more historic plaques in the Forest Hill Historic District this Spring 2018.


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CONGRATULATIONS!!NPLC  Trustee Damon Rich named MacArthur Fellow: for creating vividstrategies in design and urban planning VIDEO / READ MORE>

Press Release:

On Saturday  June 24, 2017 

From 2:00 - 5:00 pm 

Please join us in "An Historic Tour of Mount Pleasant Cemetery."  


Established in 1844, the cemetery is the resting place of some of Newark's prominent leaders, industrialists and inventors.  

This tour will introduce visitors to those people and their place in our history with volunteers dressed in period costumes enacting those figures.  You will have the opportunity to meet Thomas A. Edison as he sits on the bench that he designed for the grave site of his first wife, Mary Sitwell.  John Dryden will be by his mausoleum where he will tell visitors of how he founded Prudential Insurance Co. , also Peter Ballantine will be there to tell you of his immigration from Scotland to his founding one of America's largest breweries.  Samuel Ward, composer of "America the Beautiful" will sing a verse of his famous hymn while a deceased Newark firefighter will tell you his tragic death and the history of "The Firemen's Plot".  

There will be more stories to hear among the winding paths of this beautiful and historic space.  The cemetery is located at 375 Broadway and parking is available next to the cemetery at Rafael Hernandez School. 

Please Join Us:

 Admission is $5 per person.  The event is sponsored by the Newark Preservation and Landmarks Committee and the Mount Pleasant Cemetery Association."  Rain date is Sunday June 25.

 "Newark Through the Ages"

About the Presentation:

February 26, 2017 NPLC President, Liz Del Tufo, presented her power point "Newark Through the Ages" for the Westfield Historical Society.

Itwas so well received she returned on April 2 for a secondpresentation.  "Newark Through the Ages" is a narratedpictorial walk through Newark's history from 1666 to the present.  If youhave a group that would enjoy this presentation you may e-mail

Liz is shown a bathing bought at the L.Plaut Department store in Newark.  The first Newark department storein Newark,the L.Plaut store was acquired by Louis Bamberger.. 

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