

NEWARK LANDMARKS (originally known as Newark Preservation & Landmarks Committee) is a nonprofit, volunteer-based, citywide organization that advocates for the preservation of Newark's historic and cultural resources.

The Committee's activities include nomination of landmarks to the historic registers; intervention on behalf of threatened landmarks; implementation of educational initiatives; provision of technical assistance; and collaboration with other nonprofit agencies.  It performs these activities as described below:

Nominate historic and cultural resources to the State and National Registers of Historic Places to provide these landmarks (building, structures, sites, objects, and districts) with additional protection from demolition and unsympathetic alterations.

Select highly threatened landmarks, already listed or eligible to be listed on the historic registers, and mount public campaigns to save them.  

Increase public awareness about Newark landmarks through educational initiatives:

(a) categorized list of Newark historic buildings; 

      (b) guidebook; 

      (c) newsletter; 

      (d) web site;

      (e) exhibits; 

      (f) plaques; 

      (g) special forums and programs for all ages; 

      (h) tours; 

      (i) and, positive and negative recognition.  

Provide technical assistance to property owners and tenants about historic restoration.

Collaborate with other organizations, such as the City of Newark's Landmarks Commission, historical societies, schools, and community and neighborhood groups.  

As a last resort, seek to acquire and restore selected historic properties.  

Provide sufficient members, other volunteers, staff, consultants, and financial resources to carry out the activities listed above. 

Adopted by the Board of Trustees - March, 2003.

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